Alice the Course

12 - 14 MARCH, 2025, ESSEN


rene_thumbDear colleagues and friends,

ALICE –Advanced Live Interventional Course of Essen- will be hold in Essen from the 12th to the 14th of March 2025.

We are pleased to welcome you back in Essen. We are planning a combination of live cases, presentations and discussions. Live cases will go throughout the whole spectrum of intracranial endovascular therapy including aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, dural fistulae, intracranial stenosis and thrombectomies with broadcasting from various centers. We will share our ideas on the endovascular management in demanding situations and debate on the various techniques of aneurysm treatment. Since last ALICE 2023, additional developments have been entering our practice in the management of dural fistulae and AVMs, which we will expose and debate.

We will have this year a special debate between Tim Darsault and Christophe Cognard to find out why some studies show that most AVMs are not occluded by embolization and others show high occlusion rates using the same technique.
Brian Howard will also explain why and how he only treats cavernous sinus fistulae by direct puncture of the sinus.
Another new highlight is a special BANANAZ lecture on vascular anatomy from Maksim Shapiro and Eytan Raz.
This year’s Jean-Jacques Merland’s lecture will be held by Nick Higgins who first pioneered intracranial venous stenting.

Our special session "ALICE in trouble" will focus on complications with potential ways on how to avoid or resolve it.
We will keep you updated on all treated cases during previous editions of ALICE. We expect again interesting and passionate discussions between all participants with the support of our experienced moderators and of our special good mood factor Aster whose cartoons steadily keep the whole audience attentive.

Our website is steadily evolving. A new archiving system has been implemented allowing access to all past treatments. The content is directly accessible via keywords so that when selecting for instance „#TVE", the 27 transvenous embolization procedures of AVMs and Dural Fistulae achieved in the previous ALICE sessions are immediately displayed and can be reviewed in full length at any time.

I look forward to meet you again at the Philharmonic Hall of Essen in March at ALICE 2025.

René Chapot

CME Applied to cme approved with 12 cme credits for March 12th, 10 cme credits for March 13th, 9 cme credits for March 14th In order to receive CME points, German doctors must give their LÄK barcode each day they attend the congress. The counter is to be found at registration

CME credits will only be available for German physicians who partake on-site. cme4u will share limited registration information, namely your name, city, country, specialty and institution, with industry partners to help them best prepare for the event and accommodate the needs and interests of participants.


We refer to the ‘ALICE’ event (EMT-24-01476) mentioned above. We are pleased to inform you that after a thorough evaluation, the event has been found to comply with the MedTech Europe Code of Business Ethics and the EFPIA Code of Practice. Link to the event: Events CVS

Scientific programme 2025

Updated on 06 March

March 12th, 2025
07:30 Registration  
08:00 Opening ALICE  
08:15 Live Case 1 from Essen: AVM treated by TVE Moderation : Dodi Boccardi, Christophe Cognard, Gyula Gal, Jan Gralla, Qiang Li, Markus Möhlenbruch, Paul Stracke, Tomoaki Terada
09:45 Live Case 2 from Essen: Cervical ICA anerysm in tonsillar loop
10:00 Post-embolization discussion
10:15 Coffee break Learning Corner
10:30 Live Case 3 from Santander: AVM Moderation: Dodi Boccardi, Ahmed El Serwi, Markus Holtmanspötter,Tufail Patankar, Eytan Raz, Noboyuki Sakai, Nader Sourour, Wim van Zwam
11:45 Post-embolization discussion
12:00 Jean-Jacques Merland Lecture : The three faces of cranial venous outflow insufficiency Nick HIGGINS
12:25 Round Table Discussion coordinated by Vittorio Civelli Fabian Arnberg, Nick Higgins, Anat Horev, Raul Nogueira, Adnan Siddiqui, Hannes Nordmeyer, Vittorio Civelli, Eytan Raz
12:50 New dedicated Stent for sinus stenting Anat Horev
13:00 Lunch Learning Corner
13:30 Live Case 4 from Essen : MCA Aneurysm Moderation: Anil Arat, Tim Darsaut, Markus Heddier, Bo Hong, Raul Nogueira, Maksim Shapiro, Adnan Siddiqui, Paul Stracke, Michihiro Tanaka
14:15 Post-embolization discussion
14:30 Live Case 5 from Santander
15:15 Post-embolization discussion
15:30 Coffee break Learning Corner
16:00 Stroke  
16:00 Important messages from last studies Wim van Zwam
16:10 Upcoming studies in China Jian Min Liu
16:20 Tenekteplase: what does it change for the interventionalist? Senta Frol
16:30 How to access the true lumen of a dissected ICA? Jan Gralla
16:40 How to access the supraaortic vessels in Leriche syndrom? Anil Arat
16:50 MT in large infarcts Raul Nogueira
17:00 Dedicated techniques for the recanalization of chronic occluded arteries Adnan Siddiqui
17:10 Super Large Bore Catheter Markus Möhlenbruch
17:20 Round Table Discussion coordinated by Wim van Zwam, Raul Nogueira and Jan Gralla Christophe Cognard, Yibin Fang, Senta Frol, Jan Gralla, Markus Möhlenbruch, Raul Nogeira, Eytan Raz, Adnan Siddiqui, Paul Stracke, Wim van Zwam
18:30 End of Session  
March 13th, 2025
8:00 Follow-up of ALICE patients 2023 Jonas Schüßler
8:10 Follow-up of ALICE Shanghai patients 2024 Qiang Li
8:20 Live Case 6 from Essen: AVM treated by TVE Moderation: Armand Aymard, Vittoria Civelli, Christophe Cognard, Alberto Gil, Markus Holtmannspötter, Qiang Li, Adnan Siddiqui, Tomoaki Terada
09:45 Post-embolization discussion
10:00 Coffee break Learning Corner
10:15 Live Case 7 from Bordeaux Moderation: Dodi Boccardi, Tim Darsaut, Markus Möhlenbruch, Ahmed El Serwi, Raul Nogueira, Eytan Raz, Nobuyuki Sakai, Nader Sourour
11:00 Post-embolization discussion
11:15 Live Case 8 from Essen: MCA Aneurysm with treated with Microchap
11:45 Post-embolization discussion
12:00 BANANAZ at ALICE: the basilar perforators & Cone Beam CT in skull base tumors Maksim Shapiro, Eytan Raz and Michihiro Tanaka    Discover BANANAZ
13:00 Lunch Learning Corner
13:30 Live Case 9 from Essen: Typ 3 Dural Fistula of the petrous apex Moderation : Dodi Boccardi, Anil Arat, Gyula Gal, Yibin Fang, Markus Heddier, Hanqiang Jiang, Tufail Patankar, Maksim Shapiro
14:00 Post-embolization discussion
14:15 Live Case 9 from Bordeaux:
14:45 Post-embolization discussion
15:00 AVM & Dural Fistulae Moderation: Alberto Gil, Brian Howard, Qiang Li, Eytan Raz, Adnan Siddiqui, Tomoaki Terada
15:00 Treatment of Cavernous Fistulae by direct puncture Brian Howard
15:25 Etiology of dAVF and AVM: the possibility of second hit theory Tomoaki Terada
15:40 Staged TVE: 10 years experience Ahmed Ayad
15:50 Obtura: the future of embolic agent? Alberto Gil
16:00 Coffee break Learning Corner
16:15 Clinical outcome in Spinal DAVF: a 10 years prospective study Yongjie Ma
16:25 Curative Embolizaiton in AVMs : Latest Evolutions René Chapot
16:45 Efficiency of embolisation in AVMs: how good or bad are we?  
16:45 We're good Christophe Cognard
16:55 We're bad Tim Darsaut
17:05 So what? René Chapot
17:15 ALICE in trouble Moderation : Dodi Boccardi, Christophe Cognard, Adnan Siddiqui
17:15   Fabian Arnberg
17:25   Brian Howard
17:35   Tomoaki Terada
17:45   Alberto Gil
17:55   Markus Holtmanspötter
18:05   Eytan Raz
18:15   Zhengzhe Feng
18:25   Markus Möhlenbruch
18:35   Christophe Cognard
18:45   Paul Stracke
18:55   Vittorio Civelli
19:05   Mingze Wang
19:15   Gyula Gal
19:25   Ahmed El Serwi
19:35 End of Session  
March 14th, 2025
08:00 Treatment of chronic SDH: Future Perspectives Yuxiang GU
08:10 Live Case 11: Dural Fistula Essen Moderation : Dodi Boccardi, Gyula Gal, Alberto Gil, Yongjie Ma, Ahmed El Serwi, Paul Stracke, Yilmaz Onal, Tomoaki Terada
10:15 Post-embolization discussion
10:30 Coffee break Learning Corner
10:45 Live Case 12 Valladolid: Aneurysm Moderation: Anil Arat, Vittorio Civelli, Markus Holtmannspötter, Bo Hong, Markus Möhlenbruch, Yilmaz Onal, Nobyuki Sakai, Maksim Shapiro
11:30 Post-embolization discussion
11:45 Live Case 13 Essen: M1 stenosis with ICA tonsillar loop
12:15 Post-embolization discussion
12:30 Electroembolization of AVMs Walter Wohlegemuth
13:00 Lunch Learning Corner
13:30 Live Case 14 Essen: SCA Aneurysm to be treated by "Chanel" stenting Moderation: Dodi Boccardi, Tim Darsaut, Fathallah Islim, Gyula Gal, Tufail Patankar, Eytan Raz, Nader Sourour, Tomoaki Terada
14:00 Post-embolization discussion
14:15 Live Case 15 Valladolid: Aneurysm
14:45 Post-embolization discussion
15:00 Aneurysms: ISAT 2 and FDs
15:00 ISAT 2: Results Tim Darsault
15:10 ISAT 2: the end of EVT? Discussion coordinated by Fabian Arnberg Dodi Boccardi, Tim Darsaut, Fathallah Islim, Gyula Gal, Tufail Patankar, Eytan Raz, Nader Sourour, Tomoaki Terada
15:30 FDs in ruptured aneurysms Fabian Arnberg
15:45 FDs in giant aneurysms Tufail Patankar
16:00 Optimization in the use of 3D roadmap Markus Holtmanspötter
16:15 Fusiform Basilar Aneurysms: the Essen experience in 70 patients Fathallah Islim
16:30 END of ALICE 2025  

Speakers Alice 2025

Updated on 27 February

Arat Anil

A. Arat

Fabian Arnberg

F. Arnberg

Jean-Philippe Legrand


Dodi Boccardi

D. Boccardi

René Chapot

R. Chapot

Vittorio Civelli

V. Civelli

Christophe Cognard

C. Cognard

Tim Darsault

T. Darsault

Omer Eker

O. Eker

Ahmed El Serwi

A. El Serwi

Senta Frol

S. Frol

Gál gyula

G. Gál


M. Galdámez

Alberto Gil


Gralla Jan

J. Gralla

Markus Heddier

M. Heddier

Anat Horev

A. Horev

Brian Howard

B. Howard

Fathallah Islim

F. Islim

Markus Möhlenbruch

M. Möhlenbruch

Raul Nogueira

R. Nogueira

Yilmaz Onal

Y. Onal

Tufail Patankar

T. Patankar

Sara Pilgram-Pastor

S. Pilgram-Pastor

Eytan Raz

E. Raz

Nobuyiki Sakai

N. Sakai

Jonas Schüssler

J. Schüssler

Maksim Shapiro

M. Shapiro

Siddiqui Adnan

A. Siddiqui

Nader Sourour


Paul Stracke


Michihiro Tanaka


Tomoaki Terada

T. Terada

Walter Wohlgemuth

W. Wohlgemuth

Wim van Zwam

W.van Zwam


China Delegation

LIU Jian min

LIU Jian min Programm Coordinator ALICE 2025


FANG Yibin


FENG Zhengzhe





JIANG Hanqiang

JIANG Hanqiang

LI Qiang


MA Yongjie

MA Yongjie



How to find the venue?

Theater und Philharmonie Essen GmbH (TUP) RWE Pavillon

Huyssenallee 53 45128 Essen


Klinik für Neuroradiologie
Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus
Alfried-Krupp-Straße 21
45131 Essen


The accreditation for ALICE 2025 will be applied by the Ethical Med and information will follow soon

Congress Organization


cme4u GmbH
Denise Thom
Röntgenstrasse 7-9,
60388 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Phone +49 (0)6109 6960760
Fax +49 (0) 6109–6960769

CME Credits

Please keep in mind that due to rules and regulations we can provide your CME credits and certificate only if you have filled in the evaluation form which you can request by email from the congress organization, Denise Thom

The certificate of attendance will be sent by email to you.